Lifestyle Fashion

11 benefits of being outdoors

Even before I started working in the outdoor industry, I loved being outdoors. I have many happy memories of doing my school studying outdoors whenever I could, even on cold days. Summer vacations were spent outdoors as much as possible, without necessarily doing anything specific; just being outdoors.

Maybe all of that came from growing up in a city and feeling confined and limited by the grey, I don’t know. Whatever the reason, the desire has stayed with me and I seek to be outdoors at any opportunity.

Since my childhood, I have looked a little more at why we should spend time outdoors and some of the benefits it brings. Some of these have been well researched and documented; others are merely anecdotal, but seem to apply to a broad cross-section of people I have worked with.


Of the benefits, they can be divided into those that are mental and those that are more physical in nature, which is where I’ll start. They are things in which you can notice changes for the better in our bodies, whether they are sick or healthy.

Vitamin D

One of the well-documented benefits of being outdoors is the increased level of vitamin D it provides. Sunlight hitting the skin starts the process that generates the vitamin in us. There are studies that suggest this vitamin may have protective effects against everything from heart attacks and strokes to cancer and depression. This is a big debate in Scotland at the moment, with people suggesting that the nation should take supplements to counteract the ill effects of so many gray days. However, it seems that you don’t need to be outdoors for a long time to reach a reasonable level – being outdoors for 15 minutes a day can be enough, and if you take advantage of every sunny day, you should be fine.

There’s obviously the downside of getting burned, so we’re told to apply sunscreen religiously, which prevents the vitamin-generating UVB light from hitting us. However, with a little common sense and some balance, it should be possible to avoid overexposure but let in enough sun to keep you healthy, if you get outside enough.

working out

If you are outside, then by definition you are not driving your car or sitting on your couch. This suggests that you may be walking somewhere or engaging in some form of more deliberate exercise. Assuming you’re at an appropriate level for your overall fitness level, this is a good thing that brings benefits. Again, it doesn’t need to be in large amounts. There are guidelines on what you should do and it will be better if you can follow them. However, if you don’t normally do any exercise at all, I’m reasonably sure switching to ‘something’ is a big step forward.

I know we can still go to a gym and exercise and there’s nothing wrong with that. However, my opinion is that the ever-changing outdoor scenery is better than a TV on your treadmill and the other obvious benefit is that the outdoors is free.


According to a study conducted in Pittsburgh, it appears that having access to natural light is beneficial for patients recovering from spinal surgery. Other studies have shown the benefits of patients being able to see trees and countryside rather than just brick walls. I know when I was incarcerated in the hospital recently, just for a few days, the fact that I could look out the window at more than just buildings was great. Now this is not specifically about be outside, but surely the advantages of seeing these things can be multiplied by going outside too, perhaps even touching nature. I am not surprised that, for years, long-term patients have been brought to the hospital grounds and gardens as part of their convalescence.


Particularly important for children, the outdoors provides more space. How many times have you noticed that a child wants to run but is too confined indoors? Remove the shackles and they’ll come off, whether they’re thrown down a small hallway in the building, get under people’s feet and land on table corners, or play airplanes, soccer, or just run outside. Kids are much more active outdoors and I suspect that’s in large part because there are fewer boundaries to slow them down and make them conform. They need to be allowed outside to blow off steam – just ask an elementary school teacher on the third rainy day in a row!

Fresh air

Finally, on the physical side, I am a firm believer in the idea that living every day in our hermetically sealed, double-glazed, centrally heated or air-conditioned boxes (at work or at home) is not very healthy. I know just by looking at myself that fresh air helps me sleep better and gives me fewer problems with my skin condition. Maybe that’s true for other people too, who just need to get some fresh air sometimes. Yes, cold drafty houses aren’t good either, but I suspect a middle ground can be found, which can come from frequent visits to the large, fresh-smelling outdoor world.


There is another body of work looking at the impact being outdoors has on our mental well-being. While there are few conclusive studies, it seems that a body of research is pretty convinced that there are psychological benefits to coming out. In addition to all this academic research, I can now also speak from my personal experience. Stuck inside with a torn Achilles tendon, even a short ten minute walk down the street makes me feel better on the inside. In this case it particularly relieves my feelings of confinement and monotony. These and other ideas are developed below.


The light makes you feel better and there’s usually more outside than inside, even on days you wouldn’t classify as ‘bright’. If you’re not sure, just look at the number of people who suffer in the winter due to lack of seasonal light. While your job can enslave you to an indoor routine that means coming and going in the dark hours, a five-minute walk at lunchtime might overcome the problem enough to make you feel better.


The natural green colors you find in the country tend to have a much more calming effect on your brain than the blacks and grays of city life. Even in the confines of a downtown park, the greenery there is more attractive to the eye. You may not live near open green spaces (which is a shame given the apparent benefits of that), but whenever you want, you can hopefully find them and make the most of them – even a dandelion growing in a cracked mortar is a begin.

It also seems to be a common opinion that one of the most relaxing sounds you can hear is moving water. Whether it’s a stream, wave, or waterfall, sounds make us feel better in some way, in a way that a dripping faucet simply can’t. No need to go camping on the beach or climb a mountain stream; even the stream that runs through the town park or the fountains in the park can produce the same effect.


Sometimes I think you can feel trapped from being inside all the time. Particularly at work where you can already feel like you’re just part of a system with no escape, having to sit in the same seat day after day just provides a monotonous perspective on the world. Stepping outside, the view opens up, even just looking down a city street. Add in the advantages of walking even a few feet above the crowd, and the feeling of being cooped up can be gone, if only temporarily.


They say that variety is the spice of life and that a change is as good as a break. In that case, it must be beneficial to move, however briefly, from an indoor existence to an outdoor period. If we can go somewhere new in the deal, then it will be even better. It doesn’t have to be exotic, no matter how hard the travel agents try to convince you otherwise. Walking down a different street in your own town may be enough. Going to a different park or a new trail will provide even more benefits.


It seems that people, and particularly children, who suffer from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) can benefit from being outdoors. If they can offset their ‘nature deficit’ by getting outdoors (as described by Richard Louv in his book ‘The Last Child in the Woods’), then their concentration improves. The research on this is mostly focused on these children, but it’s not a wild guess to suggest that the same may be true for all of us. When I worked in a Darlington office complex, I used to take ten minutes at lunchtime just to walk around the block every day. It did wonders for my ability to focus in the afternoon. With the flexible schedule in place, he was free to do it again in the middle of the afternoon should he need to.


Finally, I believe there is benefit to being outdoors because of the new appreciation it gives us of our area. Taking the time to look around you in a natural place, whether it’s perceived as beautiful or not, will give you a chance to see what’s really there. You don’t need to move far. Simply sitting outside with things growing around you will present a multiplicity of objects to look at. On top of that, there may be wildlife, such as birds or small mammals, as well as weather that impacts land or sea. When viewed with wide-open eyes, it’s hard not to be impressed and this can only increase your appreciation of where you are. When this is your homeland, it can fill you with a sense of pride by association. However, even if you’re far away, it’s still possible to get a sense of wonder and fulfillment – having the privilege of living in such a diverse world is incredible.


You may think that some of this is hard to believe, or that it does not apply to your situation or the geographic area you frequent. However, having spent most of my working life in outdoor contexts, I have seen many of these concepts in action and have helped people develop their thinking while outdoors. I couldn’t put numbers on it, but I would venture to guess that everyone who has come with me over the years has benefited in some way from the experience. which begs the question why we don’t go out more often: it’s obviously good for us!

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