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10 great uses of mathematics

Many people think of mathematics as a subject, but in reality it is an exciting world of possibilities and ideas. Like a tree, it has many different branches. Here are ten great uses for math.

1) Mathematics is a language. Just as learning German or French can help you communicate with other people in the world, studying a new area of ​​mathematics can help you become part of a universal conversation.

2) Money. Understanding more about the subject helps a person to know more about currency, interest rates, loans, and assets. It also allows you to quickly find out the percentage of a sale or how to invest wisely.

3) Measures and Cooking. Do you need to cut a cake into eight equal parts? You will need fractions for that. What about converting between metric and imperial measurements? Yes, the numbers are going to be useful.

4) Programming. Computer coding is based on numbers. Algorithms often involve calculations.

5) Sports. Counting goals, keeping track of how many points it takes to win, and predicting who will win or lose are some of the math tricks you can perform.

6) Science. Temperature, measurements, conversions… the list goes on and on. Whether you’re studying biology, chemistry, physics, or earth sciences, you’re bound to need math.

7) Music. Musical scales are made up of eight notes and the distance between the notes goes into important things like harmonies and chords. It’s not a coincidence that being good at math often means that a person also has musical ability.

8) Puzzles. Being able to think in a new way is one of the strengths of mathematics. Geometry especially helps in spatial thinking. Children who complete puzzles when they are young have been shown to have better mathematical aptitude later in life.

9) Troubleshooting. Do you need to build a fence? How about you decide how much paint to buy to turn your white walls blue? Algebra is a great tool to be able to do this.

10) Navigation. For centuries, ships have used compasses and sextants to measure precise distances. Today, GPS and other digital systems use the power of mathematics to guide us in the right direction. Without math, we are literally lost.

There are many other uses for mathematics. Numbers surround us wherever we go. Bridge engineering, the code to build the Internet, currency exchange rates, PIN code and lock combinations, weather forecasts, shopping and restaurant sales are all based on mathematics. By learning new areas of math, you open yourself up to more possibilities in the world.

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