
10 Amazing Google Tricks To Increase Your Productivity

Google is a lifesaver. There are no two ways to do it. As a professional, Google has invaluable features including, but not limited to, its search function, actions, and its advertising influence. However, there is so much more than it is capable of, that most of us are barely scratching the surface.

Here are some nifty little tricks we’ve collected over the years:

1. Write using your voice (no more tense fingers)

Sure, we’ve all used Google search on our phones and we know it has a fantastic voice search feature. But this feature can do much more. Google Docs (the cloud-based version of a text editor) is becoming more powerful every day and, as part of its functions, it is based on voice typing. With a few weeks of practice, the AI ​​is able to perfectly understand human speech, whatever its accent. As a fun fact, this article was written using voice typing!

2. Timer: know when to return after a break

Google has a calendar that is widely used by professionals. However, in its attempt to replace offline applications with cloud-based real-time systems, the software giant has introduced a small but extremely useful widget in the form of a timer function. Capable of counting down, it is useful to keep track of the time leading up to a meeting or restarting a professional appointment after a break. Just search for “Timer” in the Google search bar to access this feature.

3. Calculator: calculate on the go

Another applet introduced by Google is the calculator function, which eliminates the need for an external application. Just Google the calculation you need to do, and the website is capable of handling arithmetic, percentages, or just about any other calculation done by professionals.

4. Conversions – convert on the fly

Dealing with international transactions is often a troublesome matter, due to the simple reason that currencies fluctuate in value from each other. Google offers real-time conversion from one currency to another. Suppose you need to know the value of £ 16.50 in US dollars. All you have to do is type “Convert 16.5 GBP to USD” in the search bar.

5. Draw perfect pictures – you don’t have to be an artist is a nifty little website for when you want to illustrate your articles, but just can’t find the correct stock / clip art image. By drawing a very rough version of the image in mind, you will get cute little clipart that follows your purpose perfectly.

6. Language Translation – Become a Multi-Language Pro

Google Translate is already the most reliable option for tourists in a foreign country for native language translation. However, most professionals have not yet realized that this software has extremely important application in their respective fields. It provides a fast and efficient way to translate any blog / article that has already been written into another prominent language, such as Spanish, for example, greatly expanding the target audience.

7. Store documents – without fear of disk crashing

We all keep important documents and drafts on our computers or hard drives. However, there are significant risks in doing so. Loss or damage of the storage medium will also lead to data loss. Therefore, a widely recommended software today is Google Drive, which is a cloud-based document storage medium. You don’t even need the storage medium to work with the documents, as it can be accessed from any device with an Internet connection. As a bonus, it makes sharing any of these documents incredibly easy, and all you need to know is the recipient’s email address.

8. Set Reminders for Special Days – Save Your Marriage

As part of your calendar app, you can easily set reminders for the future from the Google app (for mobile devices) or the website. All you have to do is type (or say out loud) “Set a reminder for” and enter the name of the reminder and the time you want to receive the reminder.

9. Flowchart – Don’t worry if you don’t have MS Visio

Free software is great, right? However, there is a small problem. There is not much information on the Internet. We have often been asked by BA applicants, as well as others, if they have to buy software to make flowcharts. The good news is that Google Docs takes care of all of that. It allows us total freedom in designing graphics and is a fast and efficient way to do them. Here is a link that provides detailed instructions on how to create flowcharts with Docs. Here’s a pretty cool video for the same

10. Mind Maps: Impress Your Colleagues

The same goes for mind maps, another resource widely used by BAs and other professionals. Fortunately, Google Docs is our savior once again. Here is the link with all the details.

Oh Google, what would we do without you?

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