HOA Amenities: Visually Appealing or Economically and Socially Justified?

Can amenities be removed without detracting from the appeal and quality of living in an HOA? In these tough economic times, terminating previously expected/available services is not out of order or rare. HOA services are not free and their existence does not mean they are necessary, cost justified and/or should continue (under current circumstances). Consider your home phone (land line), […]

Trigeminal Neuralgia – Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment

Trigeminal neuralgia (TN), also called tic douloureux, is pain in the trigeminal nerve, which carries sensation from the face to the brain. The pain is felt in the areas supplied by the trigeminal nerve, including the cheek, jaw, teeth, gums, lips or less often the eye and forehead. This pain may range from occasional twinges of mild pain to episodes […]

Myths about corporal punishment in schools

Here are some words of caution for parents who have children in schools that use violent punishment, also known as paddling. They should anticipate insincerity on the part of educators and administrators who do not normally invite dialogue with the public on this topic. When embroiled in discussions of “discipline,” school officials tend to trot out those stock, well-rehearsed, and […]

How to tame a crazy woman

Are you having problems with your wife or girlfriend and feel that she is one discussion away from an aneurysm? Does he yell and yell at the slightest provocation? Do you feel like she will never be happy and that she gets so crazy that you think you could just up and walk away? If you feel this way, you […]

Restaurant reviews from California to New York

There’s no need to look far in California or New York to find one of several fine-dining restaurants. For anyone who is seriously interested in finding a fantastic one for dinner, whether it be with close friends, family, or perhaps that special someone to you. Sometimes it could be as challenging as looking for a needle in a haystack. There […]