How to fix video problems

Few things can be as frustrating as imaging issues. You have your system ready to go, flip the switch and WHAM! One or more channels look terrible. The good news is that most video problems can be traced to a few causes. Most of the problems are understood as follows: Snow Horizontal bars rolling across the image Vertical bars rolling […]

How to use iMovie

Steps to create your own home movie Gather all the visual material you want to include in your film: Videotapes (Tip: when you’re on vacation, get lots of clips with everyone dancing – this goes great with music later…) Images (the higher the resolution, the better) Awards/Certificates/Ribbons/Trophy Photos theater tickets Traffic tickets for humor if you wish (you can record […]

Make money selling on Amazon

The use of the Internet as a way to earn money is becoming more and more common. There are several different types of sites that can make a profit for those who want to make sales online. Making money selling on Amazon can be easy by following a few simple tips. The seller must first create an Amazon online store. […]

Production management software that keeps manufacturing running

Manufacturing operations, as the backbone of the economy, are a prime industrial sector that can benefit from innovation and optimization. Without having to stop production for a lengthy retooling process, production management software can increase plant efficiency, better manage inventories, and deliver products on time. Fully integrated software solutions will also foster collaboration between engineering and operations, as well as […]