Do I need an LLC for my rental property?

LLCs and real estate seem to go hand in hand these days. Anyone you talk to who dabbles in real estate investing understands the need for liability protection, but may not understand the proper way to protect yourself. Your broker may have told you that an umbrella policy will work, but I have a different opinion. Using an entity to […]

How to become a successful real estate developer

Investing and developing real estate has never been a more popular hobby or career change challenge; If you want to learn seven secrets to consistently successful real estate investment through development or if you want to know how you can continue to benefit from the property even if the market takes a downward turn, just read on … 1) Do […]

7 ways to find cheap houses for sale

Even if the housing market is low, it is not easy to search for the best deal. But that doesn’t mean you should stop looking for the best deals. Many established businesses buy houses to ensure that homeowners make purchases at the correct price. Apart from this, they can simplify the entire home sale process. In this article, we will […]

Why won’t my car start?

Have you ever had your car just “dead” on you, try to start it and it just won’t start? You end up calling a tow truck and paying those big towing bills, then to make matters worse the shop technician tells you it will cost hundreds of dollars to get it working again, right? Maybe, maybe not. I own and […]

Rent, Condominium, Coop, Single Family, Multifamily?

Really, there is no perfect home for everyone! Many factors, including what one can afford (and is comfortable paying for), specific lifestyle, personal preferences, family situations, privacy concerns, etc., often make a shape more attractive to a specific individual than other. Some of these options / options / alternatives include: rental; buy a cooperative home; buy a condo; choose a […]