How to keep your dog clean and odor free

Nobody wants their pet to be dirty, unsanitary and stinky. Proper care and grooming are essential to keeping your dog clean at all times. When it comes to dog odor, your weapons of choice should include dog shampoo, dog conditioner, and of course, dog deodorants and perfumes. Always consult your vet regarding purchasing the best possible products for your four-legged […]

How to get your dog to stop chewing

Chewing is an annoying but natural part of a puppy’s development. It is very similar to teething in babies and the chewing stages are necessary to help with teething problems. Expecting a puppy not to bite is unreasonable, but it can be taught to chew on the right thing, instead of your shoes and furniture. Adult dogs that chew are […]

about mars

Of all the planets, Mars is very difficult to understand. If you can predict the behavior of Mars, you master Astrology. It is because, apart from its behavior according to its House, Aspects, association, etc., Mars has a special nature to provoke the other planets. It makes the other planets behave, which are otherwise less harmful. Mars makes Rahu cast […]

Precautions When Buying Pet Medications Online

According to figures provided by the American Pet Products Association, spending on pets and pet products increased from $17 billion in 1994 to $48.35 billion in 2010. The level is expected to rise to $50.84 billion in 2011. Of this $11.4 billion is estimated to be spent on supplies and over-the-counter drugs and another $14.11 billion is likely to be […]

10 startups to make money working from home

Although it seems like everyone wants to make money working from home, not everyone is ready to be their own boss. Operating a business from home can require a lot of determination and courage, especially in the early start-up stages of the business. Most new businesses are a life without customers, so it can be an uphill battle to win […]