How to apply Majirel Hair Color?

To apply hair color you have to follow certain steps: 1. Choose the correct color First, have a basic understanding of the natural hair color that you are gifted with. Then, check out L’Oreal’s color charts to choose your preferred color shade. Make sure to choose a shade that complements your natural hair color. You must bear in mind that […]

Easy party snack recipes

Sandwiches have many advantages when organizing a party and preparing the best menu. They look great and are relatively easy to do. Also, you can have a multitude of snacks available. Guests can also enjoy sandwiches. By making your selection, people will interact with each other and have fun. Snacking is far from expensive and time-consuming. You can get very […]

Epila laser hair removal

As summer approaches and we expose more skin, we are more concerned with removing excess hair. Shaving, waxing and using depilatory creams can be time consuming. Using a permanent hair removal technique is an attractive alternative. You can buy an Epila laser hair remover for this purpose. What is an Epila and how does it work? An Epila laser hair […]

Boost your mood with a dry body brush

Do you have the blues? Have you felt bad and you can’t go out and you don’t see how? Try dry body brushing (dry skin brushing) as a quick and effective way to remove sadness. Dry brushing has many benefits, one of which is the invigorating feeling that results from brushing. Your skin, blood, and overall health benefit from doing […]

How to overcome a stubborn sweet tooth

It never fails … You decide to change your lifestyle habits and start a healthy diet to lose weight. The first few days are really tough, but you are determined to stay the course. A couple of weeks go by and you start to see measurable results. You feel good, you feel strong, and then one day, while waiting in […]