15 makeup mistakes you may be making every day

When it comes to makeup and beauty, the mistakes you make can really affect how you look. Remember, first impressions mean everything. Therefore, it is very important to look beautiful, even fabulous, before you leave the house. There are several mistakes that we end up making, even without having any idea that we are doing everything wrong. How to have […]

Poetry book combines myth with meditation

Goddess Heart Rising is a collection of poetry focusing on different goddesses from history and myth that are used by author Roslyn McGrath to highlight various aspects of the “goddess” in all of us. The subtitle “Paintings, Poems, and Meditations to Activate Your Divine Potential” reveals the purpose of the book. Although a man (this book’s intended audience is clearly […]

Discus Breeding (Part 1-3)

1————————————————- ————————————————– ——– The first thing to understand is that you are not in complete control. If Discus doesn’t want to pair, there’s nothing you can do about it. All you can do is provide the right conditions to make them more likely to mate. If you have a sexual partner and they are the only discs in the tank, […]

How to stop being so shy

Many people think that if they can stop being shy, they will be more successful in life. These people are probably right. Shyness limits a person’s ability to take risks and assert themselves both socially and professionally. Some people are naturally shy as young children, and other people find that shyness becomes a bigger problem as they get older. Either […]

Broken Feng Shui items must be replaced

Feng shui cures or enhancers are used to suppress bad chi or to encourage good chi to visit. At Flying Star School, items need to be moved on a yearly and monthly basis to make the necessary changes appropriately. Yearly problems should always be dealt with first, and then ‘little tai chi’ is used to fix monthly afflictions. One thing […]

Tall Teens: 3 Tips to Avoid Back Pain

There are many advantages and disadvantages to being tall, but tall people have to worry about their health in ways that their shorter counterparts don’t. Fortunately, these issues are well known and documented. Physicians, physicians, and medical specialists from a variety of fields have studied the physical problems faced by extremely tall people and have a number of techniques to […]