Busting real estate or renewing paper?

Trading real estate is not for everyone, but it is the fastest way to make money in the real estate business. Most everyone has heard of someone who buys a “run down” house for a good price well below market value, fixes it up, and sells it for fair market value. Casting a “top fixer” is definitely a way to […]

Law Firm Marketing

The effective commercialization of any service or product depends a lot on the strategies employed by the person or persons who intend to market their services or products. In law firm marketing there are also some strategies that, if employed, will ensure success in the marketing process. Don’t get involved in marketing without considering these basic tips, which can make […]

Moms – Good Internet Marketers

In the early days, moms were stereotypically defined as women who stayed at home, cleaned the house, and took care of their husband and children. Today, women have stepped up the playing field. More and more are entering the competitive world of business, professional services, and even politics. One must think: “Can a traditional housewife continue to live a career?” […]

Retire or invest in Latin America? Don’t Miss Out on These Great Add-On Benefits

When considering investments of any kind, the bottom line is, of course, the most important. But one of the most attractive advantages of alternative investments and retirement abroad is that they are not just digits on a screen. They often also carry important fringe benefits that, while not contributing directly to the bottom line, play an important role in the […]

Learn everything you need to know about the DA-100 exam

The Data Analytics with Microsoft Power BI exam, code DA-100, is an associate level, role-based certification assessment for data analysts under the Azure accreditation hierarchy. Details: Fairy: $165 Languages: English, Korean, Japanese and Chinese Guy: Cloud Computing number of questions: The exam typically involves around 40 to 60 questions in multiple-choice and multiple-choice (MCQ) format. Weather: The total time allotted […]