5 Health Mistakes Most People Make

Do you want to look healthy? If so, you should avoid making the 5 most common health mistakes. Most people eat unhealthy things and don’t get any exercise. As a result, they get sick. In fact, one of the most common causes of obesity is overheating and lack of exercise. Below are 5 mistakes to avoid if you want to […]

6 tips to start a healthy lifestyle

Adopting a healthy lifestyle sometimes requires a support system. Exercising can be much more fun when you’re with another person. And if you lack self-motivation, solo training and healthy eating can be a challenge. If you’re ready to lose weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle, you’ll need to adopt some healthy habits that will help you reach your goals. Here […]

The Home Gym – Muscle Toning Equipment

Many benefits of having an exercise room or home gym range from the economical to the simply convenient. Being able to get a full body workout by simply going to another room in the house beats getting out and traveling to the public gym any day. A home gym gives you 24-hour access to all the exercise you want. A […]

Benefits of whey protein for weight loss or weight gain

Whey protein supplements have been around for many years, originally classified as bodybuilding supplements. Whey protein supplements started out as bad-tasting protein powders that couldn’t be mixed, but have now drastically improved to the point where they taste great and can be mixed with a fork, blender, or shaker in 10 to 20 seconds. More recently, whey protein supplements have […]

From heavy to light – Cheerful

I don’t know how big I was when I was heavier because I couldn’t bear to see the numbers keep going up on the scale. My clothes were all sizes LARGE (or larger) and I only bought skirts with an elasticated waist. When I stopped weighing myself, I was 160 pounds (11 stone 6, and I’m short), and I knew […]

What is the Omega 3 metabolic pathway?

The omega 3 metabolic pathway is the name given to the different forms that omega 3 fatty acids take within the body from the time they are consumed until their final absorption into the bloodstream. The chemistry of how they convert to other forms is a bit complex. ALA or alpha-linolenic acid, which is obtained mainly from flax seed oil, […]

6 Keys to Healthy Slow Cooker Meals

Many of us grew up thinking that hearty, healthy meals meant hours of prepping and stirring over a hot stove. Even when food wasn’t served every minute, we had to check that it didn’t stick to a pan or dry out in the oven. Before the 70s there were no crock pots or microwaves. A woman had little time to […]

Metabolic products: are they safe?

No two people have the same metabolic rate, even if they are the same height and weight. One with more muscle mass will have a higher metabolic rate. If he has to work with more muscles, he may need metabolic products. Do you have slow metabolism? If you don’t have a natural gift like those with a fast metabolism, don’t […]