In loving memory of my dad

The past week has been a week of firsts for me. Let me share some with you: • My father called me on Friday night and I remember how optimistic he was. The conversation started with him asking me a lot of questions about my life and my health. He was very interested in hearing about my doctor’s visit and […]

How to gain 29 pounds in 29 days (true story)

If you want to gain weight fast, pay close attention to Joe Hise’s story. Way back in 1932, long before steroids were invented, Joe Hise gained 29 pounds in just 29 days. Impossible? That’s what most people thought. So Joe started teaching his methods to other people. Here are the results of it: Mark Berry: Gained 50lbs in 6 months. […]

Why hire an academic writing services agency?

When you are dealing a lot with your current academic status, and another assignment is due, you will need academic writing service. Educational writing services may be a good option in the eleventh hour of your assignment submission. While selecting a writing services agency, take a look at the services they offer, it’s the perfect time. Educational writing services can […]

5 reasons to invest in the real estate market

If you have always wanted to become a real estate investor, now is the perfect time to achieve your dream. The current economic conditions and real estate market are suitable for profitable long-term investments, so make the most of your savings by investing in the real estate market. If you’re wondering about the benefits of home investments based on current […]

Video games: a pioneer of planned obsolescence

There is a term used by product manufacturers and retailers called “planned obsolescence.” In a nutshell, this is the understanding that creating products that last is not commercially smart, and this is the concept that drives modern commercialism. However, in order to convince people to buy their products, there has to be some safety, quality and longevity, so while consumers […]