Branches of Accounting, Uses of Accounting and Limitations of Financial Accounting

Accounting vs. Bookkeeping Bookkeeping deals with the recording (correctly and in a set of books) of those transactions that result in the transfer of money or the value of money. While accounting is comprehensive in perspective. It extends to classifying, summarizing, presenting, and even analyzing accounting information. Accounting vs. Accounting The body of knowledge (consisting of principles, postulates, assumptions, conventions, […]

keto lunch ideas

Ketogenic lunch ideas can help you stick to your weight loss plan. There is a lot of debate about the effects of ketosis on the body. Can ketosis cause cancer? What are the long-term consequences? The short answer: No. But that doesn’t mean it’s not a good idea to stay away from him. This is why: When you’re on a […]

How to care for betta fish

Betta fish or Siamese fighting fish are very popular pets. Not only are they beautiful with their long tails, but they also have great personalities. Bettas are often referred to as “scaly cats and dogs” underwater. Although they have great personalities, they tend to be aggressive towards other bettas (both male and female) so they often live alone. In some […]

Five Reverse Mortgage Mortgage Scams to Watch Out For

By all accounts, reverse home mortgage growth is about to explode. Baby boomers are nearing retirement, and for most, home equity makes up the bulk of their savings. Reverse mortgages will be the tools many of these retirees will use to tap into these savings for retirement living expenses. The number of new HUD home equity conversion mortgages (HECMs) has […]

Rivals need for speed

Racing games are fun for almost everyone. We all dream of going incredibly fast while screeching around a tight corner. What makes these games so much fun is the fact that we can’t perform these feats in our 92 Ford Taurus on the real road. Rivals need for speed is one of the few co-launch games for PlayStation 4 and […]

Top Four Sermon Illustrations You Can Use in Church

Sermon illustrations are a great way to communicate your message to the congregation in a way that will really impact the congregation. While many people can listen to a great speaker, other people quickly get bored with the sermon. They need to see something to break their train of thought. With so much going on in the world, it’s easy […]

Should you trust the living trust?

A potential client called me one day and said she needed me to set up a revocable living trust for her. “Why do you need that particular document?” I asked. “Oh, [insert name of TV pundit] says you must have a living trust to avoid probate.” “And why do you have to avoid probate?” I asked back. “Because [pundit] says […]

Tambourines: a long musical history

A member of the percussion family, tambourines have historically been made by mounting a single drum head (often made of thin animal skin) in a ring that has pairs of metal jingles tied around the sides of the drum. It should be noted, however, that not all tambourines use a leather or animal skin head. In some cases, jingles are […]