Why hockey goalies should bench press

In my coaching practice, I don’t normally need to sit down and convince an athlete that the bench press is an appropriate training for goalkeepers. Usually I need to convince them that they don’t need to bench press and bicep curls on a daily basis. Usually it is when I talk to other fitness coaches that I need to embrace […]

Thrush Remedy: How to Use Apple Cider Vinegar to Eliminate Thrush

Apple cider vinegar is a well-known home remedy for yeast infections. Many sufferers who are fed up with trying to eliminate their yeast infection through the usual topical creams and pessaries, etc., have turned to natural remedies such as apple cider vinegar. Candidiasis (also called yeast infection) is an infection caused by the overgrowth of a yeast-like fungus called Candida […]

Can rabbits change gender / sex?

I have seen this question on many forums and have heard breeders discuss the fact that their rabbit changed genders. In fact, the rabbits that have won awards at ARBA conventions as doe have been shown later only to find that it was actually a dollar. Does this mean that a rabbit has changed sex? Surprisingly, in nature there are […]

The last cowboy

Ka-ching. Ka-ching. Ka-ching. The spurs of cowboy boots: an unmistakable sound. An ancient sound, dating back to the Roman legions of Julius Caesar and beyond, evoking feelings of respect, awe and fear. The American cowboy. Long days, wagons, and toughness are words used to describe the life of a cowboy to schoolchildren when they visit pioneering museums on field trips. […]

Bedtime Battles for Babies and Toddlers

Most children do not have a real sleep problem and are not predisposed to “bad sleep.” What children develop is a “sleep association” that interferes with their normal sleep cycle. An association with sleep can range from rocking, hugging, having a drink, or singing to falling asleep as well. The child requires this same stimulus when he wakes up at […]

Why are there no fat vampires

Ever wonder why you never see fat vampires in movies? Aside from all the love stories of teenage vampires and Hollywood exotic vampires with European accents, I have yet to see overweight vampires. (Okay, maybe that really big one in the first Blade movie with Wesley Snipes.) Even the really crazy and ugly ones are often emaciated, stringy, or ripped […]

Bodyweight burn review: does it work?

If you’ve been trying to lose weight and improve your fitness levels, you may have come across advertisements for Bodyweight Burn, a weight loss and fitness program from health and fitness expert Adam Steer, and you may have you may have wondered what it is about. If so, here’s a breakdown of what the program entails so you can decide […]

Furniture removal tips to save money

Any furniture removal can be an intimidating process regardless of the location of your new home or office. If you are moving from one state to another, the need to find out how interstate rear loading works and whether or not you should is crucial to a successful interstate move. The most important thing to do is to plan everything […]