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Tony Robbins – Personal Power II – Rituals Power Conditioning

day 15

It is said that:

Sow a thought, reap an action,

Sowing and action, reap a habit

Sow a habit, reap a character

Sow a character, reap a destiny.”

All creation begins with a thought linked to our most consistent emotions. Think about it, every time we notice our usual emotional state, we discover that there are rituals connected to produce these emotional results. Who knows? The result is that we then find that the rituals surrounding our behavior and emotions cause us to behave in predictable ways.

Let’s take a look at five negative emotions we’re probably all familiar with; frustration, anger, overwhelm, fear, disappointment as some fairly common emotions. Then notice how you produce that emotion. What is the exact recipe you use to produce that emotion? Did you know there IS a recipe?

What do we need to do with our body and thoughts to create frustration, for example. What do you do with your thoughts? What do you focus on? How do you move your body? Are your movements fast or slow? Are you calm or agitated? How long does it take you to go through the ritual that produces feelings of frustration?

Of course, your ritual may be different from others, but I imagine you have one, but I know I wasn’t aware of how it produced my own negative feelings.

“Most people fail in life because they major in minor things.”

~Tony Robbins

Tony takes us through five emotions we feel most often and writes down the specific recipe for how to do it. The exercise helped me become more aware of what I have been doing in my own head.

The next part we talked about was whether or not we had ever experienced peace of mind. If so, how do we achieve that? What is our recipe for joy? Same questions as above: How do we move our bodies? Is there high or low energy? What is our approach? How long and how often can we tap into that emotion?

The previous exercises led to examining and understanding delay. Most people are familiar with this emotional state, some more than others. I know that has been true in my life from time to time.

When procrastination is seen as another ritual, it can help distance us from some of the negative results that this emotion can bring.

Tony has some specific ways on how to get over it and I found these tips Really Useful:

one). Find out how your procrastination ritual is created.

2). If you don’t change this, what will be the final price you will pay?

3). If you had already controlled procrastination, how would your life be better? How much more joy would you have?

4). Develop the habit of saying, “I to wish do such-and-such” instead of “I have to do so-and-so” You will probably find that this is a key way to reduce resistance to doing necessary tasks.

5). Develop the habit of moving your body in order to interrupt the procrastination pattern. Take a quick walk (not just to the fridge), but outside. Stretch, do some floor exercises, drink some water, examine your goals.

All of these tips have to do with taking control and making different decisions. When I do these exercises, my results are more in line with what I want in the first place, and I find that it takes a lot less energy to create those results.

Like homework:

one). Review the 5 emotions you chose for the warm-up exercise above. Then develop and write an interrupt pattern for each.

2). Review your positive emotions and find out how you can trigger them more often and at what point in your life you would be willing to continuously put yourself in a great state.

3). Write down what you do to get into the procrastination ritual and how you can get out of it.

Discovering and understanding the rituals that we all have goes a long way in setting us up for higher levels of success. What are your rituals? Are you noticing changes as you study these principles? I would like to hear your thoughts.


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