Digital Marketing

Smash the writer’s block with these 5 blogging lessons

Creating content that adds value to your prospects and customers is one of the hardest things to do as a marketer, especially if you need to do it on a regular basis for your business blog.

Here are five ways that will allow you to rethink your content creation process and overcome any writer’s block you may have when creating new content ideas.

Make every blog post count.

Don’t post something just to post it.

I am a firm believer in quality over quantity.

In fact, most experts agree that the ideal is to blog once, twice, or three times a month.

In a post written for, Ali Luke says:

“As a reader, I prefer the blogs that they post once a week or even once every two weeks, but they always say something really useful, than the blogs that they post every day just for the sake of it. If you look at the blogs you read in depth compared to those you read, you will probably realize that you feel the same way. “

In a separate article, Darren Rowse reveals that:

“I once surveyed readers here on ProBlogger about the reasons for unsubscribing from RSS feeds, and the number one response was ‘posting too much.’ Respondents expressed that they developed ‘burnout’ and would unsubscribe if a blog became too ‘noisy’ “.

Sure, you may end up with 3-4 blog posts per month, but who cares?

As long as you offer the good stuff, don’t worry about having to post content every day.

Even the most normal tasks add value to your customers.

Think about the last time you received a complaint from a customer.

How did your team solve it? What was your thought process as you went through the whole situation? What lessons did you learn?

It may seem trivial to you, but somewhere there could be a business owner going through the same situation.

Why not write about your experience and publish it as a case study?

If you think about it, case studies offer benefits that other content cannot.

In fact, a CMI / MarketingProfs study reveals that B2B content marketers reported a 70% success rate of case studies on their campaigns.

When in doubt, check back on your customer’s personality.

Your business exists for a reason: to serve your customers.

So it’s up to you to create content that meets the needs of your customers. If you are looking for good content to publish, study your client’s profile.

Ask yourself the following questions:

What keeps them awake at night?

What makes them insecure or scared?

What are your frustrations or confusions?

In my business, I have a quarterly theme focused on a particular customer need.

Topics help me focus more on what kind of content to post.

For example, the current topic is “Website Redesign”.

I created a list of problems or questions that most of my clients have with this topic:

When is the right time to redesign your site?

Who should be part of your redesign team?

5 best website redesign practices

Do you realize now how easy it is to create content for a blog?

And it doesn’t require a lot of effort on your part. All you have to do is ask your prospects and clients what they need help with.

There is a time to teach and a time to tell stories.

When I was first introduced to blogging, I was very excited to write about my struggles, frustrations, and triumphs as a web designer.

My content is always about stories from people I came into contact with or technical problems that I had to solve. But then I decided to follow what other people are doing. I wrote how-to guides, e-books, and list posts.

Although there is nothing wrong with that, I realized how much I deviated from my blogging purpose:

To share my story.

I know you have to show authority and experience by posting useful articles.

But I hope you also realize the importance of YOUR own story.

Because it is YOU who they invest a lot in.

Show your customers that you are one of them. That sometimes you can screw up and you’re not afraid to write stories about it.

Customers will appreciate your honesty. It will even make the bond between the two of you closer.

Sometimes it’s okay to quit smoking.

If you find yourself running in circles with no clear ending in sight, then it’s time to stop what you’re doing and get some fresh air.

It is time to fill your bank of ideas.

Hit the gym, take a nap, book a flight somewhere, take care of your garden, watch a movie, or talk to someone.

Take a break.

By the time you return to work, you will be refreshed; brimming with ideas and stories to tell.

Final thoughts

Everyone experiences dry spells. This is how nature works and we have to respect it.

Look around. There is a time to sow, a time to reap, and a time to go back and let nature take its course.

The same goes for creativity. Everything has its time and its place.

All you have to do is trust yourself that, at the end of the day, you will produce content that you and your customers will love.

Do you agree with my list?

Let me know below in the comment section.

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