Is Cocaine An Opioid? Read More Information Here

Is Cocaine An Opioid?

For generations, the simple answer would have been yes, cocaine is an Opiate. This has always been the consensus opinion amongst doctors and other medical experts. The problem with this approach is that it’s not necessarily right, and has been taken to such an extreme that many users have fallen into the trap of believing that this is true. Unfortunately, in the last decade or so there has been a significant amount of scientific research done that shows there are some significant differences between the way that opiates like heroin and cocaine behave when they are injected under certain circumstances.

So, is cocaine an opioid? It is. When you look at the science behind exactly how they work, you can see that there are two major different areas of effect. The first category deals with the physical actions that occur when the drug is being used, and the second category deals with the psychological aspects of how the drug is perceived by the user. Let’s explore these more deeply and take a look at whether or not the chemical is truly an opioid.

The science behind the facts surrounding the question of whether or not cocaine is an opiate focuses on the ability of the neurons in the human brain to recognize and bind with specific receptors. When a person uses cocaine, the brain’s ability to bind with these particular receptors is inhibited, causing the mind to think that the user is now attempting to consume something harmful when in actuality the receptors have just been altered. In a nutshell, the brain will stop forming a natural response if a drug is perceived as being injurious to the system.

Cocaine An Opioid

While it is important to note that this is not fully understood by the medical community, there is some speculation as to why this occurs. One possibility is that the neurons might be forming a sort of gate known as a synapse, which allows for communication between neurons. If a drug were to have the effect of creating fewer synapses, the theory goes on, then the receptors would be less likely to bind with them, meaning the brain would not be receiving the “chemical signal” that the user is trying to produce. This is one of the many theories surrounding the question of is cocaine an opioid.

Another possibility centers around the fact that users of cocaine may use it as a sort of coping mechanism. Many users will often return to their drug of choice after experiencing a trauma or feeling uncomfortable in some way. Because cocaine is a naturally mild tranquilizer, it can provide a sense of calm and security for users. This can make it tempting for users to continue repeated use in an effort to find relaxation and comfort. While it is unclear whether this actually causes physical addiction, it is a possibility given the nature of cocaine itself.

With all this said, the answer is no. The reason cocaine is not an opioid is because it is not an addictive drug in the first place. Users who continually use it for long periods of time and use it without ever becoming physically dependent upon it will generally not experience any cravings or physical problems from continuing to use it. So is cocaine an opioid? Perhaps not, but users should be wary about experimenting with it because of its potential for physical and psychological addiction.

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