
Fight truthfulness and hype in marketing

In 2005, Stephen Colbert, on his television show, the Colbert Report, coined the word “truth.”

Truthfulness is the belief or claim that a particular statement is true. based on the intuition or perceptions of some individual or individuals, without regard to evidence, logic, intellectual examination, or facts.

Truthfulness can range from ignorant claims of falsehood to deliberate duplicity or propaganda intended to influence opinion. -Wikipedia

We know that truthfulness is rampant in politics.

But it’s also rampant in marketing.

Many of us think that marketing is mostly truthfulness, not the actual truth in any way, shape or form.

We expect hype and hype, if not outright disappointment, when it comes to promoting products and services.

Because of this, many of us become almost immune to most marketing messages.

We assume that anything someone says about your business, product or service must be some form of truth, a veiled lie that hides the real facts.

So as a freelancer who wants to attract more clients, you are faced with a real dilemma.

You are puzzled about how you can persuasively communicate the value of your professional services since most potential clients will doubt almost everything you say.

Because of this, I have noticed that many freelancers turn away from marketing altogether.

While others chose to go to the dark side of the truth, hoping that an excess of publicity will triumph.

A recent email promotion I received contained a series of exaggerated marketing promises about an online marketing program:

“You will witness the launch of a revolutionary new technology that will allow you, as a small business owner (regardless of skill level or experience level), to generate as many new customers as you can handle.”

Would you believe that? No, it is truth and exaggeration incarnate!

And anyone who believes it is probably a naive and gullible person looking for miracles with little work on their part.

So how can you avoid truthfulness and still market your professional services effectively?

That, as they say, is the million dollar question!

Well, the opposite of truthfulness is honesty.

And yes, it is possible to communicate the value of your services truthfully, honestly and with integrity.

But to do that, you need to be careful about certain things that can become a slippery slope in your marketing.

Veracity Perspective #1

You must realize that what you feel about something is not the same as the facts about something.

“I feel that my consulting services dramatically increase the productivity of my clients.”

Okay, okay, but by what objective measure are you determining the actual effectiveness of your professional services?

How about doing some measurements instead, like before and after metrics?

When you have real evidence of what happens before and after, your credibility increases, as does your own confidence in your services.

The best marketing describes real benefits and advantages based on facts, not hope.

Veracity Perspective #2

It’s not uncommon to see customer testimonials about how great it was to work with someone.

That’s fine and certainly a good thing, but it’s not nearly as powerful as actual change reporting.

“I lost 20 pounds in four months working with Ralph on both my diet and exercise program. He really supported me through the tough times and helped me develop positive new habits that have stayed with me over the last year.”

This certainly trumps something like, “Ralph is a wonderful health coach who I trust with my life. You should definitely consider working with him.”

We often hear about the importance of getting testimonials. However, it is better to focus on getting solid results for your clients and then getting the testimonials will be easy.

Veracity Perspective #3

When you always speak in superlatives about your services, you again undermine your credibility.

Remember, people are skeptical and understandably so. So many promises made by sellers end in disappointment.

It is better to talk about some of the drawbacks of your services than to paint a completely unrealistic picture of “effortless success.”

I make it a point to tell all my prospective clients that if they hire me, they will have a hard time going out and attracting new clients.

They appreciate that I am realistic and that I do not sugarcoat things.

But believe me, in the past I have been unrealistic and have not done well.

We have to turn off the hype and be realistic. When we do, we tend to build more trust with our customers.

Veracity Perspective #4

We live in a world of sound fragments.

Sound clips are important as they are effective in capturing attention and interest in our services.

But is there depth beyond the sound bite? If not, you’re going to come off as shallow and insubstantial.

I once took a public speaking course that said, “You must know 30 times more than what you say in your presentation.”

That’s what true professionalism is all about: deep knowledge, understanding and experience in your field.

As they say, “If you can’t dazzle them with brilliance, beware them with nonsense.”

This is the motto of the practitioner of truthfulness, and it will ultimately not bode well for your long-term success.

Veracity Perspective #5

One of the hallmarks of truthfulness and hype is ever-changing marketing messages.

You think, “Heck, if one message doesn’t work, I’ll try another one until something sticks.” But you pay little attention to the validity and authenticity of the message.

A clever, catchy, or over-the-top message can grab attention, but undermine your professional image.

Your message must be interesting. Y credible.

It should make people think, not insult their intelligence.

Take some serious time to work on your marketing messages. Put them in front of your current customers and get their reaction.

Others will notice the truth and exaggeration before you.

But you’ll know you’re on the right track if they tell you, “yeah, that really hits the nail on the head; that’s why I decided to work with you.”

Start banishing truthfulness and hype from your marketing.

Not only will you build trust with your clients, but you’ll start attracting more of the right clients – clients who are looking for a professional who does what they say.

Regards, Robert

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